Meet the HeartSpace Team
At HeartSpace Midwifery, you’re in good hands. Hands that have delivered over 2,000 babies and cared for their own respective children.

93% home births

Over 2,000 babies caught

Induction <1%

95% vaginal birth rate

Heidi Ricks
Heidi is the mother of three fantastic children: Kaleigh, Cerid, and Lochlan.
A midwife since 1994, her passion for birth work began shortly after her daughter’s birth when she had the privilege of attending the birth of a friend. When she saw the difference that having another woman who trusts the mother and the baby to find their own path through the process of birth can make, she was hooked. She is still awed by the amazing power all women display during labor and birth. When supported in a loving and nurturing way, Heidi believes women come to motherhood with the knowledge that they can do anything!
Heidi is also passionate about her work with women and children in Africa. She has traveled to Zimbabwe, Tanzania, and Morocco to teach women’s empowerment and basic life-saving skills to birth attendants. She initiated a feminine pad project that has taken on a life of its own.